Air Purifier Buying Guide
The tight seals that make your home comfortable and energy efficient also make the indoor air more polluted. The air inside your home is five to ten times dirtier than the air outside, and Americans spend 90% of their lives indoors. Quality air purifiers have never been more important for good health. Shopping for the right air purifier can be confusing and frustrating. Some air purifiers on the market today actually pollute the air with harmful levels of ozone, a powerful lung irritant that can be especially dangerous to asthma sufferers. Learn about air purifiers and find a safe, effective unit that's right for your needs with this air purifier buying guide. Common Household Air Pollutants Different air purifiers target different pollutants, so it's important to identify the pollutants you want to eliminate from your home before you buy an air purifier. Airborne Particles include pet allergen, dust mite allergen, pollen, plant spores, fungi, mold, and tobacco smoke, ...